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All furniture that is used for commercial purposes is "Contract Furniture." Residential furniture does not come under this category. The word contract is used to indicate the agreement between the buyer and seller. The UK has some fixed standards that people buying and selling contract furniture should adhere to. To ensure safety standards are met, all furniture that is upholstered is sold only after being checked. The fabric has to meet the Crib 5 standards, which means the fabric has to be good enough to be used in offices or any other public places like schools and hospitals. These strict laws have to be followed by all furniture manufacturers, second-hand furniture sellers, suppliers, upholsters, and everyone associated with any sort of furniture dealings. If you're wondering what is so different about contract furniture, when compared to residential furniture, there are many subtle differences. The major distinction lies in the strength and durability that contract furniture offers. In general, the materials used are far better and perhaps even a shade more expensive. It's just made differently to serve a purpose - that of safety and longevity. When you are on the lookout for contract furniture, you should keep in mind that there are more than a few manufacturers providing furniture for businesses and other commercial entities. The first thing in order to find the best deal and the highest-quality contract furniture from a company that completely adheres to all the rules and regulations that the UK has in place.
The problem with buying contract furniture is that it is made by some major manufacturers as well as the smaller ones, and both with similar levels of competency. There may be differences in designs, but most are certainly not exclusive. This is the reason you should shop around to find the best contract furniture supplier that suits your exact needs. Don't buy until you find out every single detail and you're comfortable using the furniture in your commercial setting. In the UK, full disclosure is a must and all sellers have to be open about everything, including the materials used. Of course, it goes without saying that you can have this furniture custom-created for your business. This is only possible when you have extensive knowledge on furniture and upholstery. The advantage of buying contract furniture from a reliable and highly reputed manufacturer is that you can be sure that "quality control" is in place. Look at it this way, a chair that could have been passed down to the next generation when at home, would easily fall apart when used in a restaurant, because of the usage. When it comes to pricing, you don't have to go in for the very expensive, but it is always better to pay a few hundreds extra for something that may last many years. Buying very cheap stuff with substandard materials will make you go back to the market in a year or so. In fact, if your company cannot afford the expenses involved, it is better to go for used furniture of high quality than looking at cutting costs buying the so-called cheap "new" furniture. Buying good contract furniture that has passed all quality standards makes all the difference in the long run.