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In the world, there many kind of LV things, bags, handbags, purse, LV Flip Phone etc. LV is a well brand. Everybody knows this brand and pursuits these things to bring them happiness.
I still think that Louis Vuitton Multicolor Collection is a major shift of LV.
Since then, the fashion boutique renowned updated its iconic monogram pattern with a variety of modern approaches.
In short, it is not just for grandma now. Louis Vuitton Multicolor Speedy 30 is without doubt the best seller in the collection, which offers a decent design and huge storage space. But it's not my blood moving.
I think it's more convenient than stunning. In fact, Louis Vuitton is too comfortable with its classic design and do not like big change, even with the new pattern. That's why I'm away from the Louis Vuitton Multicolor Handbags.
As LV Speedy, this line comes in 3 different sizes: PM, MM, and GM.
I think the PM is good choices as an evening bag prefer to look for the adorable, but personally, I am the GM a large room with every piece of everyday things to keep.
All bags in 3 sizes should have a chain strap and a handle with which you can wear either or should be. There are currently only in white leather with colorful patterns.
I hope there will be more colors to choose from, one day, because white is also easy to make dirty. Although the bags are all on this line are covered with beige leather to provide extra protection.
When it comes to price, Louis Vuitton handbags are amazingly beautiful as her eyes.
Louis Vuitton Multicolor Handbags are priced from $ 1,400 - $ 2.180. Everybody has an expected price for everything. For luxury handbags, who can expect anything else?
Do you know the LV cell phones?
However, few people know this well brand LV has cell phones. Those cell phones are special and functional. You can directly watch TV through it. Furthermore the Keyboard is also special, which is different with the normal keyboard, like the LV Phone. Because the brand is well known and it's characteristic and functional, it is a kind of Replica phone.
These LV multicolor cell phones are available at source from: